Tag Archives | Sour Cream

Easy Appetizers at POM

There is so much to do between now and the up coming holidays.  Especially since I hate shopping and put it off to the last moment!  There is also a lot more entertaining going on this time of year (which I love) so I’ve compiled six easy appetizers to stave off starving guests. Brie en […]

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Green Onion and Dill Dip

Summertime (or near summertime if you live in Montana), makes me naturally want to eat lighter.  I’m a big veggie lover, more veg than fruit please!  However, my vegetable drawer has been known to have many a vegetable lay in waste…wanted but forgotten.  That’s where the guilt comes in, the truth is that my veg […]

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Grandpa HoHo’s Shrimp Dip

If you remember my post on The Saltine Cracker Elevated   I promised I would get the recipe refined for my father-in-law’s Shrimp Dip.   McGyver was the official taste tester, after all who would know his dad’s recipe better?   See we only had a list of the ingredients and not the quantity.  McGyver had a general idea […]

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